excuse le ton de ma reponse precedente mais bon des fois je suis un peut trop "sec"^^
en attendant c vrai kil est bien l'article en question
This likely means that THC-rich resins act to protect the plant and its seed from both higher light intensities and ultraviolet presence. It's no surprise that cannabis has developed a chemical to protect itself against the Sun's damaging UV rays, as they can be injurious to all forms of life
donc po de prob 100% oki avec ca
par contre ca je savais pas et c bien terrible:
There are many examples of non-cannabis plants producing resins in order to protect themselves from drying out
flowered in humid conditions will often have a longer stalk on the glandular trichome than the same strain grown in drier conditions. While this may give the appearance of being very crystallized, it will likely contain less THC than the same plant grown in a drier environment
et puis la partis concernant le role des UV aussi trés trés bien (meme si g lu des choses assez contradictoire mais bon...)
enfin bref je peut pas tous quote non plus :allez le lire!!!!!