blackjack ?

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blackjack ?

Messagepar Anonymous » 28 Jan 2008, 01:33

la backjack un croisement de jack herrer (sensiseeds) et de black domina (sensiseeds)

vue sur growshopalien
Sweet Seeds Female Black Jack

We have crossed our Black Domina with an excepcional Jack Herer with pleasant and intense aroma seems like incensed cathedral type Haze , the result of this cross is one of our more powerful and productive hybrids.
This variety produces long lateral branches, with generous buds full of resin and aroma, that give to the plant a big ball aspect, as tall as wide. The Black Domina cross provides a bottom of sweet aromas that complements the cathedral aroma, penetrating, of our Jack.
This variety displays a great hybrid vigour, totally adapted to the indoor cultivation, in outdoor, planted in the ground and with sufficient sun, it becomes in a resinous and hairy monster near to 3 meters of height.

Growing method: Indoor / Outdoor.
Sex: Female
Genotype: Indica / Sativa Hibryd
Region: Holland.
Lineage: Jack Herer x Black Domina.
Indoor Maturation: 61-65 days
Outdoor Maturation: 1-15 October.
THC: 15-20%
Yield: 500-600 gr/m2 indoor. 500-700 gr/plant

j'allais oublier c'est du féminisée.

17,50 € les 3 graines

ou 38,00 € les 7

en avez vous entendu parler :?:

ya aussi la icecool 22% de THC 8) (enfin c'est eux qui le disent).

Sweet Seeds Female Icecool ( 3seeds )
Click Here

Our plant of novel and appreciated genetics but.

Developed from a Diesel line NYC. Great power and production with a peculiar stranger and hard scent to exotic perfums.

Buds, aspect and growth of East Indian with or hard euphoric effect that discovers the mixture of sativas in its genetic swimming pool.

Exaggerated resin production. The effect of this variety is intense and psicodelic, it is to emphasize that their effects prelast during long time.

A plant wonder, and without a doubt some, our favourite.

Indica / Sativa: 40% / 60%
Prod. Indoor: 400-500gr/m2.
Prod. Outdoor: 350-550 plants.
THC: 20-22%.
Inndoor flowering: 9 weeks.
outdoor flowering: end of september
29,00 €

blackjack ?

Messagepar spoutnik » 28 Jan 2008, 02:07


la black-jack elle est sortie chez moi depuis quelques jours.
je sais pas en dire beaucoup plus du coup , à part que c'est la pousse qui jusqu'à présent me fais les deux plus larges feuilles mais es-ce réellement un indice valable?....

quand à la ice-cool j'en ai acheté trois(envie de me faire plaiz) et à 10 euros la graine j'espère que ça va germer :D

j'en ai mise une à germer aussi mais plus tard que la black jack donc pas (encore) sortie.
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Re: blackjack ?

Messagepar Anonymous » 28 Jan 2008, 23:52


blackjack ?

Messagepar spoutnik » 29 Jan 2008, 00:08

oui les tofs sont alléchantes 8)
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blackjack ?

Messagepar spoutnik » 29 Jan 2008, 13:14

hmmmm vivement le smokreport

pour info (même si le monde s'en branle et je le comprends) ma ice-cool a enfin germée!!
je retire donc toutes les mauvaises ondes que j'avais envoyé vers ce breeder :d
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Re: blackjack ?

Messagepar Anonymous » 29 Jan 2008, 14:34

Je doit recolter dans quelques semaines de la "Blackjack"

:P des tofs.....

Re: blackjack ?

Messagepar Anonymous » 21 Jan 2013, 04:22

:up: du nouveau chez "sweetseeds"

Wild Rose (3seeds)
Click Here

This is a Hybrid of a little known variety in Europe but with a great following in Canada and North America, the Rosetta Stone of The Brothers Grimm gives the Wild Rose original fresh and citric touches. The other 50% is a HOG, giving it the sweetness of candy very characteristic and flavoursome.

Wild Rose is a plant with an Indian/Sativa hybrid structure very well adapted for indoor cultivation. During the first few weeks of bloom it will not attract your attention but after the fourth week of bloom it will surprise you with explosive fattening of the buds which can triple their size in the last three weeks.
Wild Rose is an easy plant to cultivate both novices as well as the initiated in cannabis growing will surly be satisfied.

Indian /Sativa: 35%-65%
Production: Medium-High
Interior Blooming: 9 weeks
Exterior Blooming: Mid October
THC: 15-20% CBD: 1,6% CBN: 0,5%
19,00 €

Sweet Seeds Moham Ram (3seeds)
Click Here

Our personal homage to the father of STS without which our female varieties would not exist and of course we are very grateful to him, and for this reason we have dedicated to him an exceptional plant.

This genetic variation is based on the selection of White widow which we have crossed with our sweet selection of S.A.D S1. White Widow gives a fresh, floral, fruity touch to the sweet musk of our SAD. The result is an ideal plant, bursting with flavour of Indian predominance. It has spectacular production of resin crystals and a strong and lasting effect. It blooms quickly, easy to cultivate and it has an exquisite aroma.

Indian /Sativa: 85%-15%
Production: Medium-High
Interior Blooming: 8 weeks
Exterior Blooming: End of September
THC: 18-21% CBD: 1,4% CBN: 0,6%
20,00 €

Sweet Seeds Jack 47 (3seeds)
Click Here
This super hybrid is the result of crossing two of the strongest varieties of all times, Jack Herer and AK-47. Our stud, AK-47, was specially selected for its great yield and strong effect. Jack Herer the other half of the cross is the same elite clone used in our Black Jack which some of you already know.
Jack 47 is a super yielding plant with demolishing effects combining the best qualities of both progenitors in one genetic variation. The plant possesses extraordinary vigour which translates into large buds with a great abundance of resin even in the accompanying leaves.
The aromas and flavours of the variety are sweet and scented inherited from our mother Jack Herer.
We would highlight that this variety offers great resistance to fungus attacks bearing in mind the size and density of the buds produced by this variety.
Due to the genetic freshness and hybrid vigour of this plant it is apt for all types of cultivation. Its extraordinary vigour produces strong and health cuttings which in optimum conditions can take root very quickly, even in 7 days.
This variety is not recommended for new consumers.

Indian /Sativa: 25%-75%
Production: Maximum
Interior Blooming: 9 and a half weeks
Exterior Blooming: end of October
THC: 18-24% CBD: 1,6% CBN: 0,5
33,00 €

je fais en se moment pousser de la BJ et IC et la ice est plus vigoureuse que jammais 8O la BJ est pas mal non plus....

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